1870 Coos County, OR
         Federal Census,
    As Enumerated,  p. 235

Standard state abbreviations have been used for state of birth.  For persons born outside of the United States, I have used the standardized abbreviations used in the Roots Surname List.  Additionally, I have used the following abbreviations where appropriate:
lab    =    laborer
k/h    =    keeping house
r/r    =    cannot read or write  -- in citizenship column
r/    =    cannot read  --  in citizenship column
/w    =    cannot write  --  in citizenship column
sch    =    individual attended school during the census year
f/     =    in citizenship column indicates the father of this person was foreign born
/f    =    in citizenship column indicates the mother of this person was foreign born
f/f    =     in citizenship column means both parents  were foreign born

p. 235; 26 Aug 1870
377/377 George Adams 53mw farmer -/850 KY father foreign  cit
Mrs Sarah 32fw kh VA
Mary C. 13fw OR
Alex 9mw OR
Samuel 7mw OR
Clarinda 4fw OR

378/378 William Rowland 69mw farmer -/2200 KY  cit
Maryann Jane 45fi kh CA no r/r
Lewis 12mi OR no r/r
William 10 mi OR no r/r
Sally Ann 7fi OR
Matilda 1fi OR

379/379 Daniel Giles 33mw farmer 800/500 PA mother foreign  cit
Mrs. America 27fw kh MO
John C. 7mw OR
Samuel C. 5mw OR
Effa May 3fw OR
Susanah M. 3/12fw OR feb

380/380 Henry S. Schroeder 54mw farmer 2000/600 Hesse Castele f/f  cit
Mrs. Doratha 55fw kh Prussia f/f
Charles G. 17mw farm laborer MD f/f

381/381 Orvil Dodge 30mw farmer -/500 PA  cit
Mrs. Louisa 23fw kh MD f/f
Jane 11fw IL school
Ovandoe 8mw OR school
Henry 2mw OR
Dora Bell 2/12fw OR march

382/382 Mrs. Eliza Hill 72fw kh 1000/725 MD
Georgina Lambe 12fw KY father foreign school

383/383 Daniel T. Hill 29mw farmer 200/1000 KY  cit
Mrs. Susan 17fw kh OR

384/384 William Volkmar 54mw farmer 600/300 Hess Darmstad f/f  cit
Mrs. Wilhelmina 39fw kh Hess Darmstad f/f
Charles Henry 13mw MD f/f school
James Monroe 10mw OR f/f no write
William F. 9mw OR f/f
Clotilda 7fw OR f/f
Albert 3mw OR f/f

385/385 John A. Rhote 59mw farmer -/700 Russia f/f  cit

386/386 Henry Haines 53mw farmer 200/100 IN  cit

p. 235B; 27 Aug 1870
387/387 Mrs. Elizabeth Herman 48fwkh 3000/1980 Wales f/f
Washington P. 21mw school teacher -/100 MD f/f  cit
Cass M. 19mw farm laborer MD f/f
Nellie O. 16fw MD f/f
Franklin T. 13mw MD f/f
Henry H. 9mw OR f/f
Mariah S. 7fw OR f/f
Ernest 6mw OR f/f

388/388 T.M. Herman 25mw farmer -/400 MD f/f  cit
Henry Ploeger 19mw farmer -/- Hanover f/f

389/389 Thomas rowley 26mw farmer -/300 IL  cit
Mrs. Missouri 21fw kh MO
Samuel A. 9/12mw OR aug

390/390 Mrs. Jem Hoffman 29fw kh 1500/700 Canada f/f
Edward M. 12mw OR mother foreign  no wirte
George F. 10mw OR mother foreign  school no write
Rachael S. 8fw OR mother foreign  school

391/391 Aloy Rowley 55mw farmer 2000/800 NY  cit
Mrs. Rachael 53fw kh OH
Samuel H. 17mw faarm laborer IL school
Sarah Bell 10fw OR school

392/392 James H. Rowley 29mw farmer -/500 IL  cit
Mrs. Mary E. 21fw kh IL

393/393 Rufus Jung 29mw cattle raising -/650 IL  cit
Maria L. 54fw kh VA
William A. 24mw farm laborer -/200 IL  cit
Allice E. 19fw ah IL
Lydia S. 15fw IL
S. Brightenbucker 1fw OR

394/394 M.E. Anderson 41mw cattle raiser -/1300 KY  cit
Mrs. Mary Jane 21fw kh MO
William H. 11mw OR school  no write
Sydney C. 8mw OR school
Mary Ann 6fw OR

395/395 Adam Smith 34mw farmer -/500 PA f/f  cit

396/396 H.Martindale 41mw farmer 2000/700 IN  cit
Mrs. Nancy R. 38fw kh MO
Austria 18fw ah OR
Julia Ann 11fw OR
Henry 9mw OR
this family continued on p. 236

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