Fir Crest Cemetery

Section 1
Submitted by Eric Haugen


Ivan L. Luhde

Gene F. Luhde
1934 - 1986

Fred C. Luhde
1900 - 1989

Lina M. Hildebrand
Feb 14 1896 - June 20 1986

Lela Marie Neewton
June 1 1902 - June 1 1994
Come come to the sea once more and walk along
the sandy shore where seagulls fly in the sunset

Charotte V. Westerman
1897 - 1980

"Bud" Jesse H. Garrison
May 18, 1924
Lieutenant - Air Force WWII
Professor OCE  1959 - 1983

Shirley M. Garrison
March 2, 1943
Teacher USTA Tennis Official
Married May 1 1970

Terry David Hendrickson
Nov 9 1938 - Jan 18 1986
Fn US Navy

Carl Voronko
1894 - 1971

Ben Krieg                Teresa Kriegg
1900 - 1972             1891 - 1981

Sidney W. Newton
1901 - 1986

Elisi L. Jacox
1907 - 1997
In Loving Memory

Patsy A. Austin               David Austin
1940 - 1994                   1938 - Living
Together Forever Married 35 Years

Stephen John Pfaff
June 20, 1944 - Sep. 26, 1997
US Army

1919 - 1991

 Oscar Carl Christensen
1894 - 1979
1st LT US Army World War I

Thomas P. Saunders
1898 - 1990

Catherine Irene Johnson
1931 - 1996
Beloved Wife & Mother

Errol F. Wright                            Ruth I. Wright
Nov. 11, 1911 - Jan 12,1987

Emmett W. Tilton
Aug. 7, 1923 - Nov 7, 1995
F1 Us Navy World War II

Michael L. Manley                 Patrick D. Manley
4-19-56 ~ 2-13-97               10-10-57 ~ Living

Leola M. Lauerman
Oct. 3, 1904 - June 4, 1991

Carl H. Lauerman
August 5, 1906 - July 16, 1975

Willis H. Logan
1914 - 1981
In God's Care

John Myers
1916 - 1994
Sgt US Army World War II

George Robert Mayers
1919 - 1993
PFC US Army Wrold War II

Bryan Donivan
Dec. 31, 1907 - Jan. 5, 1994

Marion Donivan
1910 - 1991
Tec 4 US Army World War II

Leopoldo. G. Castilleja
Nov. 14, 1913 -  Nov. 18, 1968
Beloved Father

Jane E. Fitzgerald
1926 - 1983

Robert G. Fitzgerald
1927 - 1983

 Clayton Ira Brown
Nov. 17, 1920 - Jan 13, 1989
I SGT US Army Air Corps World War II

Robert Wayne Reams
1918 - 1983
Sgt US Army

Michael Dale Clark
Nov. 17, 1952 - Aug. 20, 1979
I'm as free as a bird now and this bird you cannot change.  Fly Freebird/
Mike, our eterally loved son, brother, and very special friend  (picture)

Louis Ernest Thompson
Jul 26, 1916 - Jan 30, 1998
US Marine Corps World War II

John W. Winers
1950 - 1976

Hubert O. Wells
1900 - 1969
In Memory of

Ernest P. Strickler
July 27, 1895 - Mar 1, 1975
SGT US Army Wrold War I

Gerald G. Newton                                   Myrtle C. Newton
April 18, 1899 - Jan 5, 1980                   Oct, 1, 1902 - Jan. 30, 1985

Howard W. Hare                                     H. Jean Hare
1910 - 1985                                            1916 - 2000

Christian O. Johnson
1897 - 1969

Demencio Llos
1950 - 1968
Our Dear Son

Elisa Esther Pena
May 6 - Oct 18, 1969
Our Dear Daughter

Hugh LeRoy MacMaguren
1915 - 1981

Beatrice Lopez Leos
En Memoria de nuestra Querida Madre

Eugene E. Lossett II                             Dorothy A. Lossett
Oct. 24, 1922 -  Aug 28, 1991            July 19, 1923 Living

Wilma "Billie" Jean Hathaway
1936 - 1996

Percy O. Riddell                                  Helen J. Riddell
1910 - 1984                                        1913 -  Living
                   Married February 10, 1934

Lora L. Riddell
1911 - 1987

Irwin Earl Riddell
1939 - 1978

Eldon E. Riddell
1912 - 1985

Elizabeth H. Shones
1906 - 1948

Arthur G. Shones
1898 - 1972

Bertil Anson Peterson
1919 - 1984
AS US Navy World War II

Maxine Y. Myers
Feb. 21, 1915 - Mar 13, 1996

Mother - Hannah T. Wood
1901 - 1976

Father - Frederick C. Wood
1899 - Living

Harrison Wayne Myers
Nov 24, 1922 -  May 10 1999
US Marine Corps Wrold War II

 Edmon F. Brattin
Sept. 24, 1909 - Sept 15, 1979
In loving memory of our father and grandfather.

Margaret A. Bergquist
Nov. 4  1894 - Oct 30 1985
Mother and Grandmother
Until We Meet Again

Marne Marie Cristensen
1899 - 1989

Joseph Arnold Holmes
Born 8/7/11  Died 10/27/00

Jonathan Oral Hinshaw
1950  1980
Our Beloved Son amd Brother Jon

Antomio E. Cuellar
1927 - 1998
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course
I have kept the faith "Tim iv:7

Gullermo Cuellar Nunez
Jan 11, 1968 - May 1, 1922

Marie L. Fueston
1929 - 1945
Too well loved to be forgotten

Jonelle Kay Orsvlich Gonzales
1969 - 1994
Too Well loved to be forgotten

Perry E. Carmichel
Aut 17, 1923 - Apr 29, 1974
Tecs US Army

Gertrude M. Foltz
Dec 8, 1901 -  Aug 15, 1993

Guy E. Foltz
Auh 8, 1899 -  May 2, 1979

Floremce G. Davidson
1899 - 1994

Merle W. Davidson
1891 - 1969

Eva L. Van Den Bosch
1903 - 1969

Richard Van Den Bosch
1903 - 1973

Joy Bradwell Knaupp
1899 - 1993

Glmer e. Knaupp
1902 - 1994

Vernell Burguyne
Oct-3-1926 - Nov-8-1995
When I Awake I am Still With Thee
Psalm 139 18


Last Update Thursday, 10-Mar-2016 16:47:57 EST