Polk County Mortality

       Name                 Age   Sex     Place        Month           Cause                  Occupation
                                                         of              of                    of
                                                       Birth        Death             Death

Joseph V. Butler          70      M        NH           Oct                                                  Farmer
Wm. F. Clingham        48      M        OH           Apr              Pyemia                         Farmer
Francis Cooper           26       F         OR           Sep              Typhoid                       Housework
John Corey                 78       M        PA            May            Asthma                          Farmer
Katie Cox                   26       F         WI            Apr              Child Birth                   Housewife
Lavernia Crooks         30       F         MO          Dec              Phthisis                        Housewife
Annetta Davidson       25       F         OR           Feb               Consumption                Housewife
Sarah E. Dickson        27       F         IA            June             Childbirth                     Housewife
James Ford                 72      M        OH           June             Falling Tree                  Farmer
Margaret Green          29       F          MO         Sep              Pyema of Blood           Housework
James Haleman           66       M         TN         Jan                 Stomach                      Farmer
I Henry Hall                46      M         IL            Aug                Hip Dis.                      Laborer
David Henry               51       M        NY          July               Heart Disease              Blacksmith
Annie Hooper             24       F                         Jan                 Dyspepsia                  Housewife
John Jackson              74       M        IRE          Apr                                                  Physician
Nicholas Lee              60       M        OH           July               Consumpation             Merchant
Jas. F. Logan              30       M        MO          Mar              Consumption                Druggist
Rebecca Lower           67      F         KY            Feb              Typhoid                      Housework
Wm. J. Mathwes         27      M       IL              Aug               Pneumonia                  Laborer
Morill Nuttes                         M        NH           Nov             Heart Disease              Carpenter
Owen Phillips              67      M         IRE          Mar               Syphilis
Jas. Richards               67      M                         Oct               Malaria                        Farmer
Jacob L. Sears            68      M         KY          July               Heart Disease               Farmer
Donnie Smith               14      F          OR          Nov               Childbirth                   School Girl
Jno Trewarvas              38     M                        Sep                 Drowning                  Engineer
Elizabeth Waun           56       F         TN           Feb               Paralysis                      Housework
Narcissa Whiteaker     33      F          OR          Jan                Congestion                   Housework
Minnie M. Wilcox       13       F         OR           Nov             Typhoid