Baker City, Baker County, Oregon
As we go through life some wonderful things happen to each of us, I have had the opportunity to meet some really fantastic people through the internet. While working on the Wallowa County site, I met Gary Jaensch, who was researching his ancestors in that area. We have been corresponding for several months now and discovering we know several people in the Baker area, and when I suggested he might want to help with the Baker County site, he excepted, lucky me!! He has been providing the site with all kinds of old pictures and information on Baker County and City. When we were younger it was just plain old Baker. So it has been Baker City, Baker and now Baker City again.
We invite our readers to contribute information on Baker City or Baker County, your additions are more than welcome. You may reach us through our Contact Page.
What's New in
Baker City
Use the links to the right to visit other towns
Belgian Town, Backer City, Oregon
St. Elizabeth Hospital in the
Fifties (1950)
Bishop Building New
Baker High School
Graduating Class 1931
Nelson Family Photos
Baker County and City Schools
Update with more School Photos
Centennial Pioneer Families of Baker County Oregon
Updated with family photos Love, Colton, Long and Payton Families
Royal Cafe
A Baker County Legend
Baker City in the 80's
(1880) Baker High School 1953 and 2003
Oregon Lumber Company Crew, 1927
of Baker County |
Hazeltine Photo Collection
Full Speed Ahead
Comings and Goings of Thomas Richard and Lora Ann Wood Jeffords Family |
Baker City History
Baker City Fountain | Baker City Teachers | Post Cards/Photos |
Sisters Celebrate Centennial | The Life of a Building | Baker County Surnames |
Chinese Cemetery and Memorial |
Baker Photo Album
Oregon Genealogy is
honored to be the Home of
Baker County Historical Society
Eastern Oregon
Gold Fields
Learn all about the colorful
history of Baker County with this great book.
Pages also contain biographies of many Baker City pioneers.
of Baker County
A Great book from the Baker County Historical Society