Haines Schools Through the Years, Baker County, Oregon

From "Flagstaff Hill"


Haines 1893-94

This picture says: This 1893-94 photo shows the one room school which was the first in Haines. It was located west of the tracks on ground donated by I. D. Haines. Citizens debate whether any portion of this building remains. It was at least partially burned. Click image for a larger image and a list of students.


Haines 1904

     The wing on the back of the Haines School offered classroom space and opened a space for interior exercise and games.
     High School started in 1904 and was held on the top floor of the building. After a wing was built on the back, the elementary held classes there and the downstairs of the building was used as a small gymnasium.


Haines 1911

     This picture says: The Haines High School student body of 1911. The well-used blackboards in this photo carried student solutions to algebraic problems. Early schools used individual slates. Then painted boards served, if poorly. After the railroads came in 1884, schools sometimes imported fine slate blackboards from Vermont. Heavy, fragile to ship, and costly, they were used sparingly, usually  only at the front board of the room.

Additional 1911 School Photos


     Haines once boasted a complete school, including an excellent basketball team. Out-Migration during World War II and, the post-war reformation caused the district to join with Baker. Grades one through six now occupy the refurbished building. Its western windows offer a magnificent view of the Elkhorn range of the Blue Mountains.
     Webmaster's Note:  This is the Haines School that I remember.  I went to school here from the 1st to the 6th grade.  I remember one year we went upstairs in our Halloween Costumes to show the seniors!  Not wanting to date myself, but that was 1947.  There were 2 grades to a room and Mr. Foster was our 5th and 6th grade teacher.

Class of 1953 (To the best of my memory and a little help from some friends)

Fifth Grade Sixth Grade
Judy Fisher
Judy Mathson
Judy Wallis
JoAnn Ensminger
Marda Kay Conrad
Diane Boyer
Mike Carter
Marquette Fisher
Ronnie Gover
Donny Mayes
Clair Henderson
Harriet Johnson
Billy White
Rosa Mae Points
Harriet Johnston
Roberta Gover
Clair Prebstol


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Baker County



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