Around Haines, Baker County, Oregon

Haines Photo Album

Photo contributed by Belva Ticknor

Baker City Bus

Frank Birchet, Haines Ticket Agent, behind the man with horn in hand.  He married Kitty Morris who went by Long.  Her mother remarried a Long and Kitty was raised by him.  Kitty and Kathryn are seated beside Frank and Kathryn was born in 1911, so that provides a close date for the picture. 
The bus was in Baker City.


Photo contributed by Belva Ticknor

Haines Union Station
Frank Birchet, Haines Ticket Agent
     Notice the tall pole at the end of the depot, and my husband tells me I am wrong, but when I was growing up in Haines if the train did not stop, the postmaster, hung the mail sack from the pole, and when the train went by, they would throw the incoming mail sack from the train, and with a long pole somehow catch the hanging sack of outgoing mail.  Under the Haines sign on the Depot it also had the elevation of the town.  In later years the Depot was moved to the school gym and is now part of the museum.


Eastern Oregon Museum

This is the same building as pictured above, just moved to a new home and now serves as the museum.  Please take a few minutes to visit there website or read the History of the Museum by Mary Rider


Photo contributed by Belva Ticknor

Albers Brothers Milling Company

     I can't tell you for sure, but in later years I believe this became, Haines Commercial Equipment Company, which were feed, seed and implement dealers.  Surely some one who knows will tell me if I am wrong!!


Photo contributed by Belva Ticknor

Baker County Railroad Crew

     My husband tells me they were called Gandy Dancers, (this was his job when we lived in Haines).  Frank Brichet, third from right.


Photo contributed by Belva Ticknor

Inside the Haines Depot
Frank Brichet


Baker County



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