School Districts in Baker County, Oregon

Unity, District 30J

     With headquarters at Unity School District 30J is the administrative district of the southwest section of the county and includes a portion of Malheur County. The district straddles the mountain range which generally separates Baker from Malheur Counties.

     The area responded first to mining but the mining inspired farming and lumbering to meet the needs of the new residents.

     Former districts which joined in the modern district 30J include: Bridgeport (10), mining-farming; Hereford (20) a farming area; Unity (30); farming, lumbering, and Forestry offices; Whitney (42), on the North Fork of Burnt River, once a railhead, lumbering town, and Wells-Fargo station; Big Flat (43) near China Creek and Burnt River; South Fork (58), northwest of Unity; Mill Gulch (59), near foot of Dooley Mountain; Geiser-Greenhorn (64) at mining town of Geiser; Job's Creek (86), near Unity; Ironside (5 of Malheur County); and Cow Valley, Eldorado-Malheur City, Grouse Creek, of Malheur County.

     The district maintains a unified school for all grades at Unity.

Pine-Eagle, District 61

     Commanding influences in the district include Eagle, Irondyke and Cornucopia mines, the rich lands of Eagle and Pine valleys, and power generation on the Stake River. The district headquarters are located at Halfway for the districts of the Eagle Valley, Pine Valley, Sparta, and Snake River communities. Those areas joined into a single district with considerable reluctance, since Halfway and Richland had been competitors for many years and each wished to keep the existing high school in its community. Please see historic sketch of each of these communities in that section of this volume.

    The district maintains an elementary school in Halfway and in Richland and a unified High school at Halfway.

    Districts which have combined in 61 include: Halfway, (61), the collector district; Sunnyside (21) near Richland; Sparta (39), mining and one-time headquarters of Chinese miners; Richland (44); New Bridge (45) on Eagle Creek above Richland; Langrell (Jimtown) (46), upper Pine Valley; Sunnydell (47), on Pine road; Pine (48), lower Pine Valley; Lower Dry Creek (49); Carson (50) and Carson (55A), on Carson Creek northwest of Halfway; North Pine (51); Cornucopia (52) gold mining; Clear Creek (54); Daly Creek (57) near Richland; Upper Dry Creek (60) northeast of Halfway; Park (62), on Snake river south of Richland; Homestead (63) near Oxbow; Pleasant Ridge (65), in Upper Eagle Valley; Copperfield (68), mining. Farming, power generation; Robinette (71), at confluence of Powder and Snake Rivers, now flooded; Lone Fir (74), about 3 miles west of Halfway; Sawmill Gulch (78), west of Sparta; Deer Flat (80), between Sparta and Powder River; Upper Daly Creek (85), a short-lived school on the east slopes of Big Lookout mountain.

North Powder, District 8J of Union County

     This district lies just north of the boundary on Union and Baker Counties and serves residents on both sides of the North Powder River.

     In the Baker County reorganization, three Baker County districts which had been attending that school joined with North Powder.

     They were: Mr. Carmel (6), on Anthony Lakes Road; North Powder (25 of Baker County); and Riverdale (83) east of North Powder.

     The North Powder School District has a high school and elementary school for patrons of the North Powder Valley.

Huntington | Pine-Eagle | Unity | North Powder | Mt. Carmel | History of Baker County




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