S Draft Registration, Malheur County, Oregon

The Complete War Registration List of Malheur County by Precincts as Recorded in the Malheur Enterprise ~ Saturday, June 16, 1917

Skullsprings Precinct

Bunner, William Perry
Bunyard, James Gaston
Copeland, Robbie Basil
Foley, Michael
Gaviola, Ray
Gordon, James
Manning, Robert James

Snake River Precinct

Anderson, John Wheeler
Attebury, Lawrence Marshall
Bartshe, George Washington
Batzel, Walter George
Benson, Errett Isaac
Brown, Edward Lee
Brown, Jonas Llewellyn
Cearley, Grover Wane
Channer, Cecil John
Chatfield, Orville
Conner, Oliver Garland,
Culp, George Wilson
Cox, Charley Lee
Cox, Grover
Crow, Chas. Henry
Crow, John Clarence
Crow, Wesley Ira
Crowley, John Helgesen
Dickerson, Warren Kirkham
Douglas, Burpee Eugene
Douglas, Clayton, Orville
Fincher, William Edward
Fry, Joseph Arthur
Fuller, Ralph Waldo
Gorton, Arner
Grace, Charles Christopher
Griffin, Howard Francis
Hall, Guy Clifford
Hanson, George Willard
Heslup, Thomas George
Hill, Frank Elmer
Hyde, Joseph Franklin
Jaques, John Ricks
Jensen, Wilford Franklin
Johnson, Loyd Kenneth
Joseph, Thomas Paul
Kyte, Allen David
Lamb, Rufus Franklin
Lattig, Harry Kirkham
Luke, Clifford T
Maxfield, Vernon Luther,
Matsen, Albert Mark
Mazfield, Russell Lowell Jr
McDonald, Guy Rolland
McNeal, Vordie
Milhour, Elbert Preston
Northrop, Frank Ford
Northrop, Harmon
Orcutt, William Jay
Parkers, Leroy Jenkins
Pearce, Francis Marion
Pearce, Luther Dee
Pearce, Reuben Somes
Pease, Leonard
Pennington, Thomas Leonard
Putnam, Guy Melvin
Putnam, Ray Dell
Raney, Emmett Bransford
Raney, John Low
Rickels, Nolan Dean
Rugh, Tom Walter
Thomas, Herbert Warren
Thomas, John Logan
Turner, John Allan
Varcoe, George
Warden, Earl Samul
Warren, Charles Danford
Wherry, John Benjamin
White, Vernon
Wilson, Berle Bennett
Wiseman, Landrum Leon
Wolf, Archie Dee
Yenna, Samuel Perry

South Vale Precinct

Atkins, Sherman Ellis
Bilyen, Rupert
Carr, William Iver
Dillon, Earl Warren
Dillon, Elwin Lee
Diven, Ernest rank
Frahm, Gustav Friedrich
Glenn, Arthur Thomas
Glenn, Charles William
Hanna, Walter Glenn
Harris, William Marion
Hartman, William
Holton, Jay Gould
Hope, Leslie Lisle
Johnson, Lawrence Rowland
Johnson, Lloyd Elbert
Johnson, Percy Melvin
Kimball, Edward Lewis
Loy, Herbert
McKinney, Rube E
Moran, William
Morfitt, James Clifford
Morton, Murray R
Neely, Earl Sidney
Pike, Norman Charles
Randolph, George Washington
Rompl, Edward Leslie
Rose, Andrew Granval
Sackitt, Harry Smith
Sterling, Leroy Albert
Williams, Herbert Harrison
Witte, George Albert


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