Wade School
Wade School, Big Bend, Malheur County Oregon
Teacher is Miss Peter. Nyssa High School 1931
1-Lois Schweizer-Asst of President, 2-Bob Walters, 3-Lottie Boren, 4-Orville McEwen, 5-Dorothy Austin, 6-Clifford Lather, 7-Clayton Wall, 8-Evelyn Earp, 9-Everette Lakey, 10-Marg Pinkerton, 11-Dwight Johnson, Class President, 12-Eliz Peasley, 13-Dean Johnson, 14-Sue Keizer, 15-Max Schweizer, 16-Ruth Pinkston, 17-Keith Parkinson, 18-Bertha Wimp, 19-Paul Hatch, Class Vice President, 20-Clarire Johnson, Class Advisor, 21-Vernon Parker, 22-Lois Mausling, 23-Ken Williams, 24-______ Holliday, 25-Ruth Wolfe, 26-Mary Munsterman, 27-Dorothy Boden, 28-Caralotta Irwin, 29-Helen Winters, 30-Clarline Crawford, 31-Emma Glascock, 32-__ca Blaylock |
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