One Hundred Years in Baker County, Oregon

100 Year Business in the Same Family
Neuberger & Heilner
Basche Sage Hardware - 99 years
The Democrat-Herald is successor to the Bedrock Democrat (105 years) but ownership has changed.

Ranches that have been in Family for 100 Years 
Those marked "Century Farms" are listed on the official registry at State Department of Agriculture at Salem.
* Means Century Farm.
1. Chandler, Charles & Sons (Capt. Charles Chandler - pioneer) *
2. Ebell, Roland (Descendant of August Ebell - pioneer)
3. Elliott, Torn (son of Harry) (Descendant of Dan Elliot-pioneer)
4. Fisher, Orville, (Henry R. Fisher - pioneer)
5. Loennig, Carlton & Roger (Bill) (Arnst Loennig - pioneer)
6. Love, Clarence & son Walter (farming part of David Love's pioneer ranch)
7. Sturgill, Osborn Ranch (Steven Osborn - pioneer) *
8. Warner, Fred & Carl (Jonathan Parker - pioneer)
9. Payton, John & Howard (William Payton - Pioneer)
To. Perkins, Brent & son Junior (E. P. Perkins - pioneer) II. Hayhurst, Vernon (Peter Poulson - pioneer)*
12. Wendt, Harlan & Sons (Henry Wendt - pioneer)
13. McKittrick, Eloise (John Stewart - pioneer)
14. Wreitz, Geddes, Margaret (Joseph Geddes - pioneer)
15. Markle, Denver & Ralph (Williams Sorenson - pioneer)
16. Widman, William E. (Widman, William - pioneer)
17. Cantrel, Lula & John (John S. Davis - pioneer) *

Historical Homes - Marked by historical plaques
Walt Gildersleeve - 2333 Main
Leo Adler - 2305 Main
Herman David - 1839 Second Street
Loy Wisdom - 2035 Second Street
Glenn Lockwood - 2116 Resort Street


Centennial Pioneer Families of Baker County, by Ruth H. Evans



Oregon Genealogy

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