Pioneers at Cove
A very Beautiful Day
An Interesting Program, a Large Shady Grove to Meet in, Excellent Music. A
Decided Success.
Pioneer day which was observed in Cove Friday June 24, was a complete success. The weather was all that the most fastidious could ask in the way of brightness and beauty.
Early in the morning crowds of people began to arrive and long ere noon several thousand were gathered in our beautiful grove, bent upon the pleasures of the day. The Union and Cove bands discoursed sweet music and all went merry as a marriage bell.
The program opened with invocation by Rev. Johnson, followed by well rendered music by the choir, after which the address of welcome was made by Mr. Judd Geer in his own agreeable manner. An important feature of this address was the expression of the gratitude which all should feel toward S. G. French, the founder of the beautiful grove under whose leafy boughs we were standing. S. G. French was a beloved public benefactor of Cove, and his memory will always be revered by our little community.
The oration of the day was delivered in a masterly style by Hon. Dunham Wright, and met with sincere appreciation from all present. He made us realize fully that the fatigue and the perils of crossing the plains now in a palace car are as nothing compared with crossing the plains at an early date in a lumber wagon, trailing wearily along in the alkali dust and having to keep an eye out for skirmishing Indians.
At 12 o'clock all adjourned for dinner which consisted of all the good things afforded us in this bounteous land. At the Cove hotel that day 425 guests partook of the sumptuous repast prepared by Mrs. Eaton, its highly efficient landlady, and every one did ample justice to her exquisite culinary skill. Repairing once more to the grand stand we listened with pleasure to delightful music from the bands and the choir.
A particularly pleasing feature of the afternoon program was Miss Bessie Conklins' flag drill, rendered by 36 little girls, and for which, Miss Conklin deserves great credit. The manner in which these little girls sang "Columbia" as they knelt under the glorious stars and stripes made our hearts thrill with patriotism.
Mr. McComas' address was received with great applause. He recalled
many interesting reminiscences of pioneer days which were highly enjoyed
by all. He made us believe more firmly than ever that ours is the
promised land. Everybody enjoyed Mrs. Pursell's pioneer poem.
The old pioneers present made short interesting speeches and a large
number registered their names in the association's books.
At the business meeting which followed, E. P. McDaniel was elected president of the pioneer association; Henry Rinehart, secretary; and Mr. Goodall, historian. The Cove ladies sent a bouquet of honor to venerable Gen. Stevens who could not be present.
In the afternoon a ball game was played between Cove and Union, resulting in favor of Union. We understand that Royal Jones was the champion runner. In the evening the young people tripped the light fantastic to their hearts content.
It was with pleasure that we observed the many happy greetings of old friends this pioneer day which came too quickly to its close, but all parted with friendship ties closer drawn than ever before.
To all who participated in the days exercises and to the different committees whose arrangements for the day resulted in such a brilliantly successful consummation, our people are deeply indebted, and in behalf of our entire community we extend to the pioneer association a most hearty invitation to come again.