T-V Marriages Wallowa County, Oregon

Walter TEEL / Ida AVERY
Albert VARNER / Cecil LAY


Walter Teel and Mrs. Ida Avery both of Enterprise, were married in La Grande Wednesday,
November 6. Mr. and Mrs. Teel have gone to housekeeping on the
bride’s homestead, northeast of this city.  A host of friends extend
congratulations and good wishes.

Enterprise Record Chieftain
Thurs Nov. 14, 1912

Transcribed by Charlotte Carper  


Mr. J.B. Thorson, cashier of the First National Bank of this city, and Miss Stella Weatherly,
a well known young lady of Joseph, were united in marriage in San Francisco, Wednesday,
February 10th, 1904. The bride was returning from an extended tour through Mexico and
Southern California and was met in the bay city by the groom. The newly wedded couple have the
best wishes of a large circle of friends for their future happiness. They are expected home in a few days.

Elgin Recorder
Friday February 19, 1904

Roy Kennith Tippett and Nellie Myrtle Steen Marriage

Roy Kennith Tippett and Nellie Myrtle Steen were married at the home of Mrs. C.A. Zurcher
on the last Thursday afternoon in the presence of a few invited guests. Rev. B.S. Hughes
performing the ceremony.

Wallowa County Reporter
September 27, 1917

Umphreys - McReynolds

At the home of the brides parents near Enterprise Dec. 25, 1893, Mr. Geo. Umphreys
and Miss Annie McReynolds were united in the holy bonds of matrimony; Rev. W.L. Wilson
officiating. The happy pair were the recipients of many valuable presents and commence their
wedded life followed by the best wishes of a large circle of admiring friends.

The Aurora
January 5, 1894

Albert Varner and Miss Cecil Lay were married Christmas at the home of the brides
parents in this city. Rev. Hertenstein officiated. About thirty of the friends and relatives were
present and a sumptuous wedding dinner was served. It was also the 20th wedding
anniversary of the bride's parents. The happy couple left that afternoon for Portland where
they will spend a couple of weeks. Mr. Varner is a prosperous farmer on Alder Slope.

Wallowa County Reporter
Thursday January 1, 1920

Marriage Index

Wallowa County

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