Sumpter Biographies, Baker County, Oregon

J. Nat Hudson

     Nat. Hudson, the subject of this sketch, was born in Polk County, Oregon, August 20, 1852, and is near 46 years of age. Commencing when only 13 years old, he served 18 years as an apprentice and journeyman blacksmith and machinist, working at various times in the larger towns cities of the Pacific Coast. While working at his he studied late during his spare time, and in 1882 admitted to practice in the Oregon Supreme Court in the same class with Judge M. D. Clifford, Paul Deady and others. In May, 1884, he was, on motion of ex-governor Geo. L. Woods, admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of California, and also holds a certificate from the Hon. Secretary of the Interior at Washington D. C., entitling him to appear as an attorney in legal business before the
Department. Mr. Hudson's chief claim to popularity however is his connection with the Sumpter News, now its third volume, which he established there when that thriving town of seven hundred or more people only contained a population of about fifty inhabitants. The paper on its first appearance was only 8x11 inches, a fit representative of the little hamlet in which it first saw the light, but under the skillful business management and through the untiring energy and perseverance of its proprietor, it has been gradually enlarged until it now occupies the enviable position of being the largest weekly newspaper published in Baker County, and Nat, as the boys familiarly call him, declares that he will yet make it a bigger paper than the Oregonian. The Sumpter News is eight page, six column weekly, and will soon be enlarged ten and most likely to twelve pages, all replete with general telegraphic news of the world and the local mining news of the rich mineral region in which it is published. It has recently been equipped with a fine large cylinder power press, job presses, over seventy fonts of job and advertising type, and all the paraphernalia of a first class news and job office, representing an investment of more than four thousand dollars, and the news may justly claim to be one of the leading agencies in the wonderful growth of the town of Sumpter.

Walter R. Hawley

     Walter R. Hawley dealer in hardware, stoves and tinware, at Sumpter, Oregon, is a native Oregonian. He resided in the Willamette valley until 1890, receiving his education at the State Normal School at Monmouth, being a graduate of the latter. He then taught school to Gilliam County for a year, and in the Grand Ronde Valley for five years, being principal of the Summerville schools for three years. He then established himself in business in Union, remaining there until April, 1897, when he came, here and opened a

hardware store. Minding his storeroom inadequate,  he was shortly after compelled to erect its present commodious two story building, in which he carries a very complete line, making a specialty of miner's supplies. He also carries a general line of paints, oils, wallpaper, glass &c., and is agent for the Simond's saw and White sewing machine. In selecting this marline he has shown excellent judgment, as it is certainly the most popular and best one in the market. Mr. Hawley is married to Miss Ida Brooks, of Summerville and has one child, a girl. He is the present treasurer of the city of Sumpter.


Thos. McEwen

    The sterling citizen, whose every thought is for the good of the community in which he has reared his home and contented his associations, must always command the respect and esteem of his fellow men. Of such metal and commanding such respect, is he whose name is inscribed above. Born fin Glasgow, Scotland, in 1853, he remained there until his seventeenth year. Coming at that time to the United States, he spent about ten years in Patterson, N. J. In 1879 he went to California, but only remained there it short time. He then moved to Portland, and shortly after to The Dalles, where he was in the employ of
the stage company for two years.
     He then bought the line running from Baker City to Canyon City, and also ran well equipped stages from McEwen's to Granite, and McEwen's to Bourne, and to the "Bonanza." He has also for the past eight years been heavily interested in the forwarding business to the mines. After the removal of the terminus of the railroad to Sumpter, he erected a hotel, large hall, livery barns and private residence there. On the first of last February he sold the controlling interest in the stage limes and forwarding business, and has more particularly devoted its time to his hotel, "The Spencer House." With his usual enterprise, he quickly placed this among the leading hotels of Eastern Oregon, in which work he was materially assisted by his wife. Mr. McEwen is also interested in a number of mining enterprises, having lately sold the "More or Less" to Alexander Baring, of London, for $14,000.00 cash. He is a heavy realty holder at Sumpter, and to Baker comity, having 750 acres of land under cultivation in Sumpter Valley, and has done much to advance the growth of the town. In connection with Mr. Clark Tabor, donating the property the public school and the Presbyterian church occupy. He is a member of a number of fraternal orders, being a 32d degree Mason.
     In August, 1864, he married Miss Minnie Fox, of Baker City

A. W. Ellis

     There is not a more popular citizen in Sumpter than A. R. Ellis. He possesses all those admirable traits of character which contribute to the widest business and social success, and anything he identities himself with is always a go. He furnishes it with a tin, and snap, which is his strongest characteristic, and which has tended to put him to the "front" among business men in this county. Born in Michigan in 1865, the early portion of his life was spent there and in the state of New York.

                 A. W. Ellis Placers

     Coming to California in 1888, he drifted into mining and later crossing into Nevada in 1892, he discovered the "April Fool." and in two years took out $150,000.00, selling then to Capt. J. R. DeLaw. In August of 1894, he came to Cracker and bought out C. Rimbol's interests consisting of about 400 acres of placer land and three-fourths of a section of timber and homestead Land. including the Sumpter. His placer properties are yielding a good profit, the ground being very rich and with proper appliances would even be far more valuable. He has lately begun to improve some of his city property, erecting a handsome home and a large opera house 62x100, the lower floor to be occupied by stores. He is also interested
in other enterprises, being a heavy stockholder in the Sumpter Lumber Co. New Year's day, he married Miss Spalding, of Baker City.

Walter W. Looney

   Walter W. Looney is a man of sterling worth, and today is one of the most popular citizens of the county, his affability and good nature making him legions of friends. He was born in Eugene, Oregon, in 1858, and remained in the Willamette Valley until 1870, when he struck out for himself, and coming to Eastern Oregon ran a band of cattle on shares for three years. Moving then to The Dalles, he took the mall contract from that point to Wapinitia, which he sold three years later. In 1884 he moved to Granite Creek, and for it period of nine years was engaged in mining and in the butchering business. In 1896 he
moved to Sumpter, and in addition to being engaged in in both placer and quartz mining, is also interested in the saloon business. His resort is conducted on broad principles, and he is ever ready to please has patrons, who are composed of the better class of trade. Imported and domestic wines and liquors are dispensed over the bar, and courteous treatment and congenial companionship can al. ways be found there. Mr. Looney is one of the Democratic war horses of the county, sustaining a good political standing in his party. He is a member of the Maccabees and Red Men, and is married to Miss M. E. Gallagher, of Portland, having three children.

C. E. Duckworth ~ H. Duckworth & Company

      That the people appreciate enterprise and perseverance is shown by the success of one of our principal firms, whose name heads this sketch. They are closely identified with the business interests of this city, and carrying a complete line of general merchandise and miners supplies, are in a position to cater to the wants of their many patrons. That they do this satisfactorily is shown by the legions of friends Mr. Charles E. Duckworth possesses. He is a native of Clark County, Illinois, and in 1870, at the age of eleven with his father, came to Auburn, Baker County. Since 1871, with the exception of six years spent in

farming in the valley, he has been engaged in merchandising in either Sumpter or McEwan. He has ever stood ready to contribute his share by word and act to the prosperity of the "valley," putting its interests paramount even to his own. Fraternally he is au Odd Fellow, Woodman, Workman and Artisan.
     August 13th, 1880, he married Miss B. Lence, of Jonesboro. Union County, Illinois.

Jas. W. Duckworth

   As an illustration of the progressive element of young manhood which has brought Baker county to the front, the subject of this sketch has by his live ideas, keen perception and good judgment of the opportunities within reach here entitled himself to locution. He is a native of Illinois, crossing the plains with his parents, partly by wagon, arriving at Auburn in 1870, when but eight years old. He remained on the home ranch in the valley for five years, and later spent the same length of time in Sumpter. Beginning prospecting shortly after, he in 1887 located the "North Pole" mine, which valuable property he disposed of a year later to a London syndicate. He then followed ranching for six years, but since 1894 has engaged in milling. In 1888 he married Miss Lillie Worley. of Sumpter, and has one child, a boy. He is a member of Baker Lodge No. 47, A. F. and A. M.

Dr. George W. Tape

     A well-known and popular physician of Sumpter, and one whose kind, attentive treatment of the sick and geniality of manner towards them well have made him deservenly the favorite of all classes, was born in Ontario, Canada.
     In 1865, and received his preliminary education in that province. At the age of eighteen he entered the Detroit College of Medicine, and graduated in 1888. He then took a position on the house staff of the Harper Hospital at Detroit, and remained there till he came west, locating in Portland in 1891, where he successfully practiced for two years.
     In 1893 he returned east, but soon found his health would not permit him to stay there. Returning to Portland he practiced there until the spring of 1897, when he located at Sumpter. In 1890 he married Miss Josephine S. Wallington, of Detroit, Michigan.

Archibald Downie

     The name that heads this sketch is one well known throughout the west. He who bears it is now over three score years of age, but he appears much younger, and is possessed of a greater degree of vim and energy than is ordinarily displayed by men of younger years. His career has, indeed, been an interesting one, and to enumerate even the more prominent events of his life and to do justice to his energy and enterprise in one brief sketch would be impossible, as it would occupy more space than we can spare in our little volume. Mr. Downie was born in Scotland in 1835, and came to New York at the age of 17. He shortly after went to California and for the next sixteen years was engaged in mining in Nevada, Eldorado and Sierra Counties, owning the Key Stone diggings, from which he and his partners took out $92,000.00 in eleven months. Selling out his interest in the ground left for $800.00, in six months sixty thousand more was taken out. He

acted then as the manager for the Nebraska mime in Nevada County for two years, and then again became possessor of some rich placers which he worked with success for a number of years. Finally, feeling the effects of underground or deep placer work, he came to Oregon in 1870, staying a short time only in Baker City, and then moving to Sumpter, he began mining again at Tamarack glitch. "Archie" Downie, as he is familiarly knows to all, is a typical miner, shrewd in business but with a heart as large as an ox. His claim owned in connection with Dr. J. F. Dickson, the well known oculist, is looked upon as one of the richest placers in the state. In 1881, Mr. Downie married Mrs. Adonis, of Sumersetshire, England, and nothing gives him or his wife greater pleasure than the entertainment of their hosts of friends.

John H. Clark

     John H. Clark, one of Bourse's most substantial citizens, was born in Canada in 1845, where he remained until his 19th year. Coming then to Colorado, he was engaged in freighting with ox teams from St. Joe to Denver, before the advent of the railroad. In 1875 he moved to Arizona, and resumed his old business, but later took a contract for grading on the A. & P. R. R., at The Needles. He later spent some little time in California, also in British Columbia In September, 1885, he came to Baker County, and acted as manager for the Oregon Gold Mining Co., for two years. He then came to Cracker, now known as
Bourne, and with but short intervals has remained here since, engaging in the general merchandise business for a year in McEwan, also ran a hotel at Parker's Station for two years. In June, 1895, he opened his present resort, where the finest wines, liquors and cigars are dispensed to his many patrons. His place is conducted on broad principles. He is ever ready to please, and the result is he has hosts of friends.

Geo. W. Hall

     In the armed band of State builders, who, catching the earliest rays of that regal star which the prophetic spirit of poesy discovered long ago as the leader of advancing civilization, followed its course to the western verge of the continent, few are deserving of more honorable mention that Geo. W. Hall, who was the first sheriff of this county.
     Born in Wayne County, Illinois, in 1826, he remained there until his 24th year, when he crossed the plains, locating at Hangtown, now Placerville, California. He arrived there with a capital of five cents, but made five dollars with a rocker mining as his first day's work. He followed placer mining in the northern counties of California with but short intervals until

1862. He moved to Oregon at that time, and was one of the six who discovered the famous Auburn diggings, in April of that year. By June the town had grown to respectable proportions, and in July, a Frenchman having poisoned his partner, the miners got together and appointed three judges and Geo. W. Hall as sheriff, and a week later he had charge of the obsequies of the murder.  His next case was that of a Spanard who had killed two men in a game of cards, but the exasperated miners took him away form the sheriff and hanged him in the outskirts of the town.  These incidents will serve to show the times as they existed in a mining camp of early date.
     In 1867, Mr. Hall began farming in Powder River Valley, and moving four years later to Lower Powder River, ranched there until 1874.  Returning to his first love, he mined in Nevada for one year and again for eight years in Shasta County, California.  Returning to Eastern Oregon, he spent some time in Baker City, and 1887, opened a miner's boarding house in Cracker Creek.  In September of last year he opened his present hostlery, the "Bourne Hotel."  He married Miss Sarah J. Lowry, of Auburn, in 1862, being the first couple married in Baker County, and has five children, three boys and two girls, his eldest son, Charles being 34 years of age.  He is a charter member of Baker City Lodge No. 47, A. F. and A. M.

John F. Dooley

     That the people appreciate enterprise and perseverance is shown by the success of the subject of our sketch, who is rapidly forging to the front, although but yet a young man. Born in Idaho City, May 29, 1867, he received his education in Chicago, and on his return to Oregon was employed by his uncle, Jerry Dooley, the Bridgeport merchant. In 1879 he went to Biker City, and for a period of time acted as deputy county treasurer. He later was in the employ of M. Well & Co., for two years, and was a partner in the E. H. Thompson Mercantile Co. for the next two years. He is now established at Cracker, or Bourne, where he carries a general line of merchandise, including drugs and sundries. He has by courteous treatment and low prices built up a very satisfactory trade, and well deserves the success he has achieved. In October, 1897, he was appointed postmaster. He is a member of a number of the leading fraternities, taking an active interest in their affairs. Mr. Dooley married Miss Maggie Griffin in October, 1887, and has three children, all girls.

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields


Oregon Genealogy

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