Business Listings, Grant County, Oregon

Brown and Simpson

     The above firm composed of C. W. Brown and F. S. Simpson, although just organized last September has rapidly has rapidly forged to the front. This is largely due no doubt to the fact that both members are very popular, but more so to the liberal treatment they show all patrons. Their line embraces groceries and flour, gent's furnishings, notions, hats, caps, boots and shoes, in the two latter lines malting a specialty of Buckingham & Hecht's goods. Both of the members of the firm nice young men of enterprise and good business ability, and we feel safe in stating that they will soon be in the lead in their line.


City Brewery

     Mr. Sels was born in 1837, in Merschede, Westphalia, Germany, which place he left while yet a youth and came to America. December 31, 1854, he arrived in California, and July 1, 1862, reached Canyon City, where he still lives and enjoys the fruits of a life of honorable business activity. In the summer of 1802 he mined at Prairie diggings, about four miles northeast of Canyon City, and in the spring of 1803 opened a general merchandise store in Canyon City in partnership with Mr. E. J. Stemme, under the name of Sels & Stemme. In the fall of 1866 he sold his interest

to his brother, Henry R. Sels, July 28, 1870, he purchased the Canyon City brewery from John H. Stahl, which was two weeks later destroyed by the great fire of August 12th. He at once rebuilt, erecting fireproof buildings cellars and warehouse He is very heavily interested in Grant County, and intends ranking its home there for an indefinite time, perhaps to the end of his days. Mr. Sels has been prominent in the political councils of the Republican party of Grant County, and has held many important and honorable positions.
     From 1864 to 1866 he acted as justice of the peace, when he was appointed postmaster. This position he soon re­signed to accept the office of County Treasurer, to which he was chosen at the June election, 1886, being the only Republican elected. In 1808 he was chosen State Senator leading John Dribblesby, the Democratic nominee by five votes, and again being the only successful Republican can­didate in Grant County. Mr. Dribblesby contested the seat, and as he had also an undecided contest on hand with L. O. Sterns from the election of 1806, the Senate seated him under the first contest, Mr. Sels thus losing his seat. In 1870 he was elected County Judge, and served till July 1874. Since then he has never been a candidate for office, but is still looked upon as n staunch and influential Republican.

Humboldt Mining Company

     The Humboldt Mining Company, who control our of the largest and best hydraulic properties in this section, was organized in 1881 by Horose Sloan, Ira Sproul, Herbert Hunter, Fred Frey, Harry Heppner and Fred Yorgenson, to work 320 acres lying adjacent to Canyon City.
     The properly had been worked by the drifting process
since 1862, with an average success yearly of nearly a million dollars. The nature of the property is that of an old river channel running with gold. A ditch has been built on it 8½ miles long, with a capacity of 1,000 inches of water. The present owners, who are all men of long experience, have put in two giant, and 2000 feet of hydraulic pipe, also self open reservoirs. Adjacent to this property there lies over two miles of rich creek bottom. The larger portion of which belongs to this Company, of which Ira Sproul is the general manager.

Cunnington & Horsley

     The establishment of the above gentlemen, dealers in general merchandise, is a credit to Canyon City. Selling their goods at as close it margin its possible, believing in making small profits and having their customers well satisfied, they have an enviable reputation for fair and honest dealing. W. R. Cunnington, the senior member of the firm, has been in business here since 1803, and F. P. Horsley since September last, although both gentlemen were previously engaged in other pursuits In Grant County. At present they are operating two stores, the stone one 26x50, the frame, 22x30, both having fireproof cellars, and with warehouse accommodations this gives them an opportunity to carry sufficient stock to cater to the wants of both the stockmen and miner. Their stock embraces a complete one, comprising as it does dry goods, groceries, clothing, furnishings, boots, shoes, stationery, patent medicines, etc. In waiting on the trade they are assisted by Ben. L. Leland and E. B. Haguewood both widely known in this section.

McCallum & Bayley

     Among the leading business firms of the county, McCallum & Bayley, of John Day, occupy a well deserved posi­tion. Established in 1892, they have steadily grown until their reputation is assured not only for the volume of business transacted but for their integrity as well. They cater to both the stockman and miner, and their facilities have enabled them to buy direct from the Eastern manufacturer, the benefit of which is given their customers. They also own and control the John Day Telephone Line, running a distance of thirty-five miles from John Day to Dayville. Mr. F. I. McCallum is a native of California, coming to this county in 1863, and E. J. Bayley is a native of England, coming to the state in 1880, and to the county in 1884. They are both progressive men, and have always given liberally towards any enterprise leading to the advancement of Grant County.

John Day Rolling Mills

One of the best and most successfully managed flourmills in this district is located at John Day. It is owned by the subject of our sketch, who has been a resident of Grant County since 1879. The mill has it capacity of fifty barrels, being equipped with a full roller process of the latest type. Although doing some custom

work, Mr. Basford makes a specialty of the merchant trade making a leader of his family flour "The Best" and in the opinion of consumers it does not belie its name. Every sack is warranted extra quality, and full weight. He also manufactures corn meal, graham flour, farina and all kinds of mill feed.

Grant County


Oregon Genealogy

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