Baker County, Biographies

Written in 1898

William Rufus King

    William Rufus King. the nominee for governor of the people's, democratic, silver republican parties, in this state, was born near Walla Walla, Washington, October 3, 1864, of pioneer parentage, and was brought up on a farm. The rugged life on a frontier farm tended to develop the characteristics of honesty, courage, self-reliance, and strong individuality, with which he was endowed by nature and which at the early age of thirty-three, has made him one of the foremost young men within the state of Oregon.
     He is truly what might be called a self-made man, for he has carved his way, practically unaided and alone, beset by obstacles, privations and trials which would have over whelmed any other less favorably endowed with nature. In every position in life, whether as a farmer's boy, laboring to earn sufficient money to pay for his education at college, before the bar, as a private citizen, or in the halls of the state senate, his strong mentality, individuality, sound conservative judgment, honesty of purpose and devotion to principle, have inspired the confidence and respect of all, and marked him as a fearless, safe and intelligent leader of men.
     When only thirteen years of age be traveled with another party from Walla Walla to Jordan Valley, in what is now Malheur County, Oregon, a distance of over 300 miles, he and his companions having but one horse between them, each riding and walking by turns. Young King worked upon a farm during that summer In Jordan Valley and in the fall, just after the close of the Indian war of 1578, traveled on horseback through what was then largely an uninhabited country to Walla Walla, Washington, to attend school, and when his school term had ended in the spring, returned to Malheur County to again take up his duties upon the farm, where he remained until 1882. By industry and rigid economy be earned sufficient money to take a course in college, and accordingly, In the fall of 1882 he entered the State Agricultural College, at Corvallis, Oregon, where he remained at school for three years.
     Necessity compelled him to again return to the farm in Malheur County, where he remained until 1889. During that year he began a course in the law school of Danville, Indiana. graduating from there July 1, 1891, with distinction and honor. Soon after he opened a law office in Vale, Malheur County, Oregon. In the spring of 1892, Mr. King was nominated by the Democratic party of Malheur County for the office of representative and was elected by a handsome majority. He was married on December 6, 1892, to Miss Myrtle King, of Danville, Indiana. In search of a larger field for the practice of his profession he removed to Baker City, Baker County, Oregon, in the spring of 1893, where he has since lived In the enjoyment of a good law practice, and where he is esteemed and respected by all irrespective of party.
     In the fall of 1893, Mr. King became dissatisfied with the democratic party, as interpreted by the Cleveland administration, and cast his lot with the people's party; and in the spring of '94 was nominated by the people's party for the office of state senator for Malheur and Baker Counties, the democrats nominating no one against him, and was elected by a majority of 380 votes over his republican opponent.  While in the Oregon legislature, though in the minority party, he was soon recognized as a leader of that minority party, and was its nominee as president of the senate. His associates in that body speak of him as an able debater, as an earnest, conscientious man, possessed of sound judgment, conservative in his views, honest and industrious in his life, genial, kind and courteous In his manner, generous and loyal in his friendship, firm and determined in his purposes, pure and untainted in both his private and political life. He was the author of several important laws now upon the statute books of this state, notably among which is the present irrigation district law distributing the five per cent. fund among the various counties of the state for road purposes. He introduced In the senate the only resolution ever submitted to our state legislature proposing an amendment to the constitution of Oregon, providing for direct legislation by the people. He also introduced the first and only resolution memorializing congress to recognize the belligerent rights of the Cubans and asking for intervention on the part of the United States

Frank L. Moore

    No attorney in Eastern Oregon stands higher in the ranks of the profession than does he whose name heads this sketch. Born in Lane county in 1861, he remained there until his 13th year, when he moved with his parents to this county near Malheur City, where he spent the next four years of his life. He then entered the State University at Eugene, graduating in 1887. Returning home, he was county school superintendent of Malheur county from June

1888 to July, 1890, during which time he studied law in the office of Hon. L. L. McArthur, and also took the course at the law School of the University of Oregon, graduating in 1890.    
    Returning to Baker City, he began the practice of his profession here, and now enjoys a most lucrative practice. He is an active member of the Mason's and Workmen. In 1890 he married Miss A. C. Chrisman of Lakeview, Oregon, and has one child, a girl, five years old.

Dr. Robert R. Meyers

Among the dentists of this city the subject of this sketch although young In years, stands very prominent. He has energy and ambition, and will succeed where other men fail. He was born in Summerville, Oregon, in 1873, and retrained there until 1894, receiving his preliminary education there. Having a natural taste for dentistry, he entered tine Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Whch is the oldest dental college in the world, and graduated with honors in 1897. He then located at Charlotte, N. C., for a short time, but later
moved here, where, using all the modern appliances in dentistry, he has built up an enviable reputation for faithful and acceptable work. He is married to Miss Lulu E. Rinehart of Summerville daughter of one of Union County's prominent citizens. Dr. Meyers is a member of the Masonic fraternity.

Samuel White

     It is perfectly natural to admire pluck and ambition in a young man, aid this no doubt is one reason why lie whose name heads this sketch has won so many friends during his residence here.
     Mr. White is a native of Georgia, and was educated at the University of Tennessee, at Knoxville. He was admitted to the bar in 1881, at the age of 21, and practiced his profession at Atlanta, Georgia, for three years in
partnership with J. C. Reid, a prominent attorney. Moving to Grant's Pass, Oregon, in the spring of 1985. he remained there two years. Since that time he has resided in Eastern Oregon, and is at present associated with Bartlett Shipp in the practice of his profession. Mr. White, or "Sam" White, as he is known to his friends, and they are legion, is a man of strict integrity and unsullied reputation, and has lately been nominated on the Union ticket for district attorney.
     He is a Democrat, the principles of that party being instilled into his veins in early manhood, beneath the blue skies of his native home.

A. C. McClelland

    A man of sterling worth and a well-known citizen of Baker City, was born in Indiana, June 18th, 1842. Moving to Wisconsin with his parents at an early age, he remained there till the spring of 1863, receiving his education in Berlin, Wisconsin. Moving to Montana he followed mining until the fall of '64, when he cane across the mountains and located in the western part of the state till 1867, when he came to Baker County, where he followed mining and
stockraising until the last day of December, 1889, when he was appointed Receiver of the Laud Office by President Harrison. After the expiration of his term he returned to Baker City and bought the "Oregon Blade." a republican paper, and ran the same until October 8, 1896, since which the he has been looking after mining interests, and is now interested in a large Eastern syndicate, who are taking options on mining property in this section. As an evidence of the esteem in which he is held by his fellow citizens, we cite his nomination on the Union ticket for County Treasurer, he being a silver republican, and an earnest exponent of the cause of the white metal.
     June 2, 1874, he married Miss Mary Chambers, of Olympia, Washington.

Bartlett Shipp

     The profession of law has among its followers many young men possessed of the necessary qualifications which if judicially administered, will within a few short years, earn for them a prominent place in the ranks of the legal fraternity, there being today, as there has been for centuries past, "plenty of room at the top." The subject of this sketch is one of that number who has it in his power to become a leader, having been favored by circumstances, and

being possessed of energy, industry and ambition sufficient to nerve him to the contest and carry aim onward and upward toward the very summit of legal fame.
     He was born in North Carolina in 18164, and after receiving his preliminary education, entered the State University, graduating In 1883. He then studied law under the direction of Judge Bynum and Colonel Folk, both eminent practitioners, and was admitted two years later.
     He has actively practiced his profession since, remaining

Dr. Wm. Lockwood Parker

    Dr. William Lockwood Parker is well known to Baker ties as a skillful physician and surgeon. He is a native of Ohio, and from 1884 to 1887, was a member of the surveying party that laid out the railroad in this western country. In 1802 he took up the study of medicine, and In 1896 graduated from the Medical Department of the Oregon University, winning the Saylor prize for the highest general average. During the last year he acted as house
surgeon at the Good Samaritan Hospital, and then for a year was surgeon for the Columbia & Astoria Railroad. A year ago he located here, and since that time has won his way to the confidence of the people, and gained the esteem of his brother practitioners to an extent which cannot but be exceedingly gratifying He is a member of the staff of St. Elizabeth's hospital, his training especially adapting him for surgical work

Dr. Geo. W. McConnell

     Dr. McConnell is one of those jovial, good-natured men that we are always glad to meet. He is active and energetic, and what he does he does with a will, and infuses humor and good. nature into all with whom he comes in contact. He is a native of Indiana, and made his debut on this world's stage in Greensburg, Decatur county, on the 14th day of September, 1849. He received

his education there, and having at natural liking for the noblest of all professions, he entered the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati in 1871, and graduated three years later. Returning to his native place he practiced there till 1884. He then moved  to Nebraska, where he practiced for six years. Coming then to Oregon, he located in Newberg, and remained there until January last. As an evidence of the respect entertained for him by the citizens of Newberg, we cite his election as mayor in 1892, with but one dissenting vote. In 1895 he was appointed a member of the state board of examiners, for the short term, by Governor Lord and on its expiration was reappointed for the long term. Since his advent here he has rapidly taken a front rank in his profession. He is state treasurer at present of the Eclectic Medical Society of Oregon. Dr. McConnell married Miss A. W. Cole, of Rising Sun, Indiana, in 1876, and has four children, three sons and a daughter.

Chas. M Sage

     The hardware establishment conducted by the above named gentleman in the Bowen stone building is one of the most progressive business houses in the city, having built up in the last two years a very large and influential patronage. He carries a general line embracing shelf and heavy hardware, stoves and house furnishings, miners' supplies, and powder. Mr. Sage has made the hardware business a life's study, and there is probably no merchant in that line better posted than he. His aim has been to conduct a model store and to be convinced that he has not fallen short of the mark one need only visit his salesroom. He has a great number of desirable agencies, such as the "Giant" powder, which has greater execution and less fumes than any other manufactured. Also the "Canton" steel, guaranteed to be the equal of Jessop's famous English steel, at a much less cost. in stoves and ranges he carries the "Universal" line, manufactured by Cribben, Sexton & Co., who give a fifteen years' guarantee with every one turned out of the factory. To Mr. Sage is largely due the origination of low prices in his line, and the patronage he enjoys is but a natural sequence.

H. E. Curry, M. D., C. N.

     As a rule the ranks of the medical profession are made up of a class of gentlemen possessing great strength of mind, highly cultured intellects, and a loftiness of character which is necessary to command for them the respect of the general public. They are, therefore, entitled to the great confidences which are necessarily reposed in them, and which they guard with all the great traditional honor of their calling. Amongst the physicians of Baker City, Dr.
H. E. Curry takes a foremost position. Well qualified by natural inclination, educational training and a vast experience with a soulfully comprehending the greatness of his work, and of his personal responsibility, he has built up for himself a very extensive practice and acquired an enviable standing. He was born in Indiana in 1860. The public schools of his native state afforded him his preliminary education, which was supplemented by a three years course at the State University of Louisiana. He then went West to strengthen his finances, intending thereafter to continue his studies. He was partly successful in this, and entered the Sedalia University, at Sedalia, Mo., where he remained for three years and was a member of the faculty when he left. In 1887 he entered the Medical College at Louisville, Ky. Alter graduating he practiced in Indiana, but preferring the West, made several changes, locating here in 1893. He served as second vide president of the National Eclectic Medical Association in 1895 and 1896, and is serving his third term as first vice president of the Oregon State Eclectic Medical Association. In 1895 he was elected as honorary member of the Eclectic Medical Society of the State of California. In the spring of 1896, he was appointed U. S. Pension surgeon, but resigned later in the year and accepted the position of assistant superintendent of the Maclean Hospital and Sanitarium of San Francisco. Since 1847 he has spent one-fourth of his time in post-graduate work, having attended the California Medical College as late as last year, graduating from it with the degree of C. M. (Master of Surgery). In 1895 he was appointed state delegate to the national and international convention of the World's Congress of Medico-Climatology, the former meeting in Omaha this year, and the latter in Paris in 1900. Several years ago Dr. Curry took up the study of electrotherapeutics, a science which is rapidly gaining ground and which, if there is any truth in the "survival of the fittest" will surely reach the apex of common sense. He has provided himself with a Morton-Holtz-Wimshurst electric machine, and a complete set of electrodes. It generates its own electricity, without friction, and in the treatment of nervous diseases, whether a simple headache, or a deep-seated trouble, its curative powers, when properly applied, seem immeasurable. In chronic diseases it is also more than beneficial, and we truly believe it is nature's own remedy. Dr. Curry's offices are pleasantly located in Rooms 1-2-3, over First National Bank; No. 3, being his reception room No. 2 consultation room. and No. 1 being devoted to his electrical and X Ray apparatus. He has one of the finest X Ray apparatus in the state, and a large number of photographs of all kinds of fractures. etc., which he has located through its efforts are to he seen in his reception room.

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