Land, Harney County, Oregon

Water, soft, clear and cold is readily obtained but a depth of 10 to 15 feet on the level: and an annual spring overflow of melting snow's in the mountains creates a vast acreages of meadow hands. The native woods are pine, fir, juniper, ash, gilled or asp, cottonwood and willow in abundance for lumber and fuel. The natural grasses are bunch, rye, blue joint, sugar and red top. Timothy, red top, alfalfa and red clover have been thoroughly tested on cultivated and new lands, and have given from fair to best results.

     Sugar beets could he grown to perfection and with the greatest ease, because there is but little labor in cultivating the soil. Hops grown here for ornament are healthy free from any kind of disease or pests, wheat, rye, oats and barley average in June and July 40 to 60 inches in height; have good to best grain and wheat yields, according to season and conditions 35 to 70 bushels to the acre.

     Rose Valley Borax Company in 1890 put in a plant and is now doubling the capacity for manufacture by additions to the works.

     Gold mining on Trout Creek, Idol City and Gold Gulch Camps, and at Pueblo mining district where there are two quartz mills in operation near the Nevada line, is being rapidly developed, but as much of the latter's output is reported in Nevada, anything like a fair estimate cannot be obtained.

Additional Harney County Resources

Harney County



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