Harney County Newspapers

The support of three local newspapers shows the county interests are in the hands of leading men and women. The altitude 4200 feet, gives a dry, healthy climate, but a home in Harney County is desirable for other than its climatic advantages; 27 days of sunshine out of 30 days in the south; cool breezes through the warm seasons and frequent visits front the gentle Chinook in the winter mouths; the loomings, caves, restless waves of Harney lake, an inland sea; clear, star-spangled skies and nearness of the brilliant rainbow each in itself and taken as a whole are soirees of pleasure. While bear, elk, deer and antelope hunting, duck shooting, mountain trout fishing, camping out near the lakes, warm or hot springs or in the mountains; boating on Malheur lake, have delights all their own.

     There are hundreds of homes in the vicinity of the several postal towns of Burns, Harney, Drewsey, Van, Venator, Crane Silvies, Andrews, Denio, Diamond, Narrows, Lawen, Mule, Smith and Riley, and room for thousands more off equally good lands suited to farming and stock raising purposes. A grist mill near Burns and roller process flouring mill at Drewsey are ready to manufacture all the wheat raked into flour. Eight large and well supplied public schoolhouses of which the $8000 school building at Burns is the most elegant, and a comfortable house in each of the other districts speaks eloquently of the maintenance of a good public school system in this county and the two church buildings and a resident pastor tells of stork being done to inculcate good morals.

     Dairy products of cheese and butter are shipped annually, but the business is in its infancy. Orchards of apples and plums and all small fruits, are doing well but as yet only indicative of the possibilities of the future. Frosts, except in favored localities, prevent corn crops; root crops for stock or table use to, exceedingly large and fine.

     The soil being accumulative is very rich to any depth and when the natural water, supplies by the lakes, rivers and 3 streams scattered over the broad territory, shall be reinforced by reservoirs for snow water storage, and by artesian wells. (Capital only lacking) tree planting will follow and the resultant climate and soil will place Harney County products in the niche now occupied by its beef, horses and wool. Its population fast nearing the 4,000 notch, can ask no more, it only needs such line of advertising opportunities as Baker City's "Morning Democrat" offers in its souvenir illustrated edition, to call attention of capital and home seekers to its varied natural resources to fulfill the expectation of its present pioneer citizenship.

Additional Harney County Resources

Harney County



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