Towns of Harney County, Oregon

    Burns, the county seat of Harney County, was so named in memory of the Scottish poet in 1883 and is the lively trade-center of the county, situated on the old road leading front Canyon City to Lakeview and fronting on the Silvies River, and is fully equal to the demands of such a town. The confidence of the business men of Burns in an early development of the resources of the county, may be seen in the stability that characterizes their business houses and residences, the former mostly of brick and stone, with all attention to elegance in frontage rarely seen in railroad towns of like size and the architectural designs and finish of the residences on the Heights and at other points are admirable and costly. The county's public buildings, the public school house, P. L. S. Co.’s office. N. Brown & Sons, store, the Stenger and the Young residences, and the two hotel buildings are the most notable, while the premises of a dozen or more are beautifully planted and kept. The office of Harney land district is located in Burns, and a very great convenience to settlers where so much of the public domain is open to entry.

     The town of Harney has added a church building this year, and Drewsey is preparing to erect one this summer. Both of these towns are centers of sections of the county, rich in agricultural and mineral resources, which the advent of a railroad will aid them in developing.

     A fast freight line will be established between Burns and the nearest railroad point, O. R. F N., 140 miles, its soon as travel opens, and by June the telephone lines between Burns and Canyon City, thence to Baker City, will he completed. A daily mail and express via Ontario; tir-weekly via Canyon City: semi-weekly via Prineville: a weekly via Diamond and a weekly, via Crane, brings in all the news from the outside and every division of the county into direct communication with each other. There is a fair future before tho people of the Harney country.

Additional Harney County Resources

Harney County



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